=" mingusandthebitch


Friday, January 25, 2019

New Arrival...With Lots of Toys

Mingus and Chase, 

Watch for Buster’s elevator.  He’s arriving from Bonita Springs, Florida.  Auntie Stephanie had to put him on the elevator cause he was too sick for Earth; the usual toxic build up.  He’s as sweet as he looks and he doesn’t hog the couch.  Just sayin.  He has lots of toys so find a nice stash spot for him.  He’ going to be missing Stephanie terribly so please take care of him.  

Missing you goofy bundles of love still.  

Kisses and kisses and love and hugs,


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mingus Guarding Grace, The Time Continuum Is Haywire

Thanks for guarding Gracie while she snoozes, Mingus.  I'm sure she feels your protective energy even though you are just a representation of yourself now.
Gracie acts so tough but she's really just scared.  She had a hard life before she came here.  I can tell by all the things which make her nervous like the sound of big trucks, children and other dogs.  So far we can't do everything together like you and I and Chase could but she's mellowed a lot and has lots of human friends now.  Maybe you can work on getting her to be chill with other dogs?  Please and thank you.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Prince Arrived By Elevator

Darling Mingus and Chase,

You are in for a treat!  Mega brilliant artist/musician, Prince, just arrived by elevator!  (He was afraid of the dark side of the elevator too Mingus.).  Join his posse darlings.

Chase, I had an interesting dream about you this week wherein you declared that you wanted to leave our family.  I asked you to take 48 hours to reflect on this decision and you agreed.  We had a terrific, normal 48 playing and being grateful for the beauty of our environment and the simplicity and joy in our hearts.  When the 48 hours were up you told me you decided to stay with us because you realized that we worship the same God (of abundance, love and grace).  You put your blue super dog cape and crown back on and went back to observing the wonderful world.  Kisses🙏🏻

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

mingusandthebitch: Gracie, the biker chick

mingusandthebitch: Gracie, the biker chick

Gracie, the biker chick

Hi Mingus,

Long time no blog I know!  I spent 2014 recovering from brain surgery.  What's your excuse?  Right, you can't type.  Really, no one there can type?  Cool!  Do you communicate by thought, like you and I do?

So, guess what?  I adopted a biker chick of a dog that got left at uncle Dal's farm and that was too nasty for anyone but me to live with.  We changed her name from KC to GRACIE, sort of like we gave Chase his puppy name back after that family had called him Arthur for 2 years.  Turns out Gracie isn't evil, just a biker chick from the country.  She acts tough but she's a big love bug.  You would have her trained for city life in no time.  I'm a stupid human so it is taking me a little longer (to stop her policing EVERYTHING!).

Yes I realize she isn't a pure bred.  What a snob you have become!  She doesn't eat poo either, so there.  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chelsea's Gone Dancing With Mingus Forever

Chelsea is back by my side!!!  Did you hear me?  Chelsea is back by my side.  The Bitch rang Chase and I up yesterday to tell us to meet Chelsea's 11 o'clock elevator this morning.  I WAS SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!  BUT IT WAS SUCH SHORT NOTICE TO PREPARE A PARTY!!!  Luckily Chase and I learned how to put a great party together during the years we lived with The Bitch on Earth so we sprang into action and worked all night and found all of her old buddies.  Chase even had time to spend worrying over which hat he should wear to meeting her elevator this morning.  Anyway, I have to get back to the party--I'm just having a rest cause she's crazy for dancing and I'm outta shape since I arrived here 5 years before she did and I didn't realize that when she showed up she'd want to dance ALL NIGHT!!!!  Good thing I ordered extra smoked salmon and liver pate cause she arrived RAVENOUS too.  She said she'd given up on her body and feeding it a couple of days ago on Earth.  Just wanted you all to know back on Earth that we love you still (and feel sorry for you) and will be ready to meet your elevators when they arrive (Jeez, could  you try for a little more notice though if you want your arrival catered!!!)

Mingus, Chase and CHELSEA!!!  (I'm so in love again.  I'd forgotton how much I love Chelsea!!!  I'm feeling all kinda goofy inside.  Soon I'll be acting more like Chase if I don't regain my composure!  Looks like we're Tangoing next!  Bye.............)

Friday, March 15, 2013

R.I.P. Gus

Dear Gus,

YOU WON!  You out-lived all of your buddies!  Have a good victory strut as you arrive in the hereafter.  Enjoy your big celebration party with Ben, Mingus and Chase--sorry we haven't figured out how to materialize in both the dead and live realms so that we could celebrate with you.  We humans think we are so smart, but it is just a front for not having a clue about much when it comes to the here and the there, sweet friend.  I loved knowing you while you were on Earth.

the bitch

Monday, November 19, 2012

4 Years Ago

Dear Mingus,

See how empty the beach is without you!  like my heart ;(

The fourth anniversary of your death was yesterday.  Your spirit perseveres here though.  Atomic Mingus.  Thank you for finding me 18 years ago and teaching me all there is to know about perfect love.

The Bitch

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Benson R.I.P.


Falling Spring blossoms
transcend into the warm sand
Benson was pure love

May 15, 2012.
Copyright Christine Saulnier

Dear Mingus and Chase,

Benny is on the 1:30.  Meet him at the station.  

love and kisses,
the bitch

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Dear Mingus,

Yesterday was the third anniversary of your going in the elevator without me FOREVER. You'd think by now I would have stopped missing you but the truth is that there really is no replacement for quirky, loving, devoted YOU. I was thinking the other morning while looking at the portrait of you that Tom Miller painted that even in that portrait there is a "Mingus-energy" which is so reassuring ... he captured in your face the way you ALWAYS had my back as they say.

This picture is of my little friend, Ms. Rosie. (Yes, I know, she's sleeping in your bed.) You'd like her, she has telepathy beat ;-). I haven't seen her walk through walls like the Benson-poodle, but I'm sure she could if she wanted to.

So, while I know there will never be another Mingus, I'm thinking that perhaps after the 4th anniversary of your death I'll adopt a pooch who we can try to encourage to fill the big fat void you left when you took that elevator. Would that be okay?

Love and kisses,
the bitch

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Auntie Deen Is There

Mingus you lucky boy, Auntie Deen is in your zone now. She's probably out for a walk with Alfie, maybe you could surprise them on the trail ;-). She died while I was in Paris celebrating my birthday. I wrote this haiku for her:

Deen's Winter

My birthday, Deen dies
her betraying body still
blooming with kindness

the bitch

copyright Christine Saulnier 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day ;-)

Dear Mingus,

That's an image of planet Earth, where you once lived with me (if we can believe in "reality" that is, sheesh, we don't even know where memory or dreams are physically located in the brain of humans, which makes me think that memory and dreams probably reside somewhere outside of humans so they have a better chance of thriving and surviving). How's Chase? How's swimming? Wish you were still on Earth with me but not if you were in pain. Miss you, love you.

The Bitch

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mingie, You've Been Dead a Whole Year

Mingus my love,
You've been gone for a full year as of tomorrow. Poopie. It's okay though because since there could never be another Mingus, I've just been coasting along with the company of other pooches who aren't TOTAL ALL-IN LOVE like you were ... sort of like the arrangement with men ;-). There are far more dogs than men amusing me at the moment.

What's going on where you are????

love and love and love and kisses,
the bitch

Friday, September 25, 2009

Your Buddy, Enzo, Is Incoming

Sweet Mingus and Chase, This is a picture of you lying on Enzo and Ferd's blanket when they stayed with us several years ago. Enzo has left Earth now and is incoming to your environment. Could you go meet his elevator? Don't bug him about his childhood Christmas sweater on that cold day when he was just a pup and visited us for the first time. We've all had terrible fashion faux paws in our day. Remember your hula skirt Mingie? You take him into your pack now and love him as you always did. You guys know the way around there now and I know you'll be your usual hospitable selves. Yeah, yeah, you can take him to "the baths".... sheesh! Help him send Jode and Ferd suitable postcards from the beyond so they know he's okay, and send love to us still here cause it is hard without you sometimes..... love you...

the bitch

Monday, May 18, 2009

Six Months of Grieving and Accepting


Today marks six months since you left for Death .... I feel a little deserted but accepting too... you put up a good face on your pain so you could stay with me for a long time... thank you Sweetness.... there will never be another Mingus...

love you,

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chaselove, Happy 15th Birthday

Lovely Chase,
Not sure you can celebrate a birthday once you are dead, but not being one for adhering to conventions, I will celebrate what would have been your 15th birthday. I'm remembering you in your sosoftsleeps and your peachy coat, and your snuggling beauty... thank you for sharing your later life with your half-bro, Mingus, and I.... you were one funny pooch, so sophisticated and wise

the bitch

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy 15th Birthday Mingusghost

Sweet Mingusghost,
It's your birthday! You'd be fifteen in human years if you were still here. Do you want linguine? You had linguine slurping down to a fine art. You really were the most beautiful soul, look at you taking care of Mew, making sure she didn't overcook in front of the fire..
And, not many dogs can sit on a lawn chair at the table like you could .... you never perfected the drinking out of a glass thing though did you? Paws!

Happy Birthday Sweetlove.

Love you so... hope you're happy where you are....

the bitch

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Concrete and Chasms

Look Mingie,

They finished the addition to the Convention Center and now there is a square from which to view all the luxury waterfront condos that T.B. needs to sell to pay for the vet bills you left me :-)....

There's a grass roof on the new convention centre but dogs aren't allowed to pee on it... go figure...

It would be your 15th birthday on Wednesday Sweetlove.... I'd like to stop missing you, but I keep falling into the huge chasm of your death and losing my balance ...
The Bitch

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Time Doesn't Heal... Or Heel

Sweet Gorgeous Love of My Life Mingus, did you reincarnate immediately? I met an almost 4 month old boy like you at the doggie beach today... I didn't cry.... he was so fabulous.... just like you.... Chelsea was a bit jealous ... it was like wrapping you up in my arms again lovely boy full of joy Mingus...

It turns out that time doesn't heel any better than you did... it's outpacing all of us, and boy is that a crock of shit notion that the passage of time heals ... sure, age and lose your memory maybe, but heal... PHHTTT! People say the most moronic shit!

You sure knew how to knock a gal out with your love baby.... miss you always... think of you always with a big smile on my face and love in my smashed heart.

Chelsea is becoming a bit more Labrador-like-- she retrieves that red warty ball pretty good now....

The Bitch

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Step Lightly On My Memory Please

Sweet Minguslove,

I'm walking lightly in your footsteps my sweets ... so is Chelsea. Sometimes I still catch a glimpse of you at the beach, in the rabbit thatch, on my pillow. Someone poetically, and strategically, scattered pink carnations (a funeral flower but also a Valentine flower) on one of the picnic tables in Jericho Park and there you were, larger than life in my feta cheese crumbly heart.


p.s. the other pic is Chelsea treading lightly on your garbage adventure trails by the beach xo

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Marley and Me--The Non-Chewable Version

Dear M.,

I finally got up the courage to see the film version of "Marley and Me". You couldn't have chewed the film version like you chewed up the book version. I agree that the story was a lot thinner than the dog, but sheesh, Grogan is making a fortune on it, no matter what you thought of the book or the film, or how the dog morphed into a totally different-looking dog at each aging.... box office receipts darling, box office receipts..... They could have taken him off the corn diet crappy food that was giving him bloat too, but let's not get started down that road to nowhere.... It all ends in death in any case. Expect a rash of dogs named Marley ....


Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Month Since You Died, Mingus

Gorgeous Mingus,

It's flaky here. I'm thinking about how you frolicked in the snow, and how you licked my face when I laid down to make angels in the snow after a big snow fall, and how we went cross country skiing together and you would run up and down the slope making sure I was okay.... remember our trips to Banff?

Can you still remember when you are dead?

Okay, you are haunting me. I'm sorry I said you weren't. I just don't really want to be haunted, like a house that isn't habitable or saleable because it gets locked in an historical event and garners a reputation completely attached to something other people can't cope with... like death....

It's Christmas again--yet it isn't without you.... you know the drill....

Thanks for haunting me; I miss you so.

The Bitch

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What's It All About?

Dear Mingus,

Are you having an identity crisis like I'm having an identity crisis?

Sometimes I look at your blog to see if I can figure out who I am without you.

I'm being a human. I'm hanging with humans. They talk, remember? A lot. Some bark. They have lots of opinions and say "I" a lot. The ones I'm around are nice ... They "diagnose" like all the others but if you call them on it they mellow out ... or not.... I'm one of them, remember?

Have you figured out this time continuum thing? What's the essence of where and what you are when you're alive, and then when you are dead? Besides all the MATERIAL BALLAST that humans devise to anchor themselves in "life" and attempt to make a dint in the erosive nature of time, what's the gist of the whole thing?

That thing that supports "the human enterprise"--the economy--is broken here. So far it is still free to go for walks though. Can you join me for one my sweet heart-breaker?

Your truelove,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad Acting- I Can Still Fake A Smile

Sweet Minguslove and Chasearoo,

Look, it took a few days but I can still fake a smile! Okay, so my teeth are a bit clenched, but, hey, that's my business face. It paid your bills for long enough! Let's hope it can pay mine!

More tributes and condolences for your "passing" (and they ain't meaning gas this time!), Mingus. Dr. Sue who moved to Arbutus West Animal Clinic, Dr. Tonya and everyone at Mosquito Creek Vet, and Dr, Michael and the staff at Vancouver Animal Wellness sent lovely cards that made me cry more, and Jenny and Harold sent their condolences, and Auntie Virginia will miss picnicing with ya, and Donna commiserated with me, and your ex-Dad of course who balled his eyes out on the phone with me right after you died, and Uncle Kaye was so kind and you might meet up with his truelove--Maxine-- and of course, Auntie Joy has been checking in on me twice/day along with Auntie Lousia who checks in on me five time or more a day, and Melanie naturally, and Patricia at the office ... so you see, we did manage to build a net of great humans during our years together my puppylove .... I think I could make a biz of this professional mourning thing.... managing the grief and the condolences is actually more time-consuming than the last several months of nursing you my lovely.

Hope you're digging holes in the sand bigger than the hole in my heart pumpkins.

The Bitch

p.s. I forgot, my favorite new platitude, and it is utilized incessantly, is "time heals". WTF! Time erodes--not heals! Anyone with an ounce of consciousness knows this. I know, just smile and go deaf! kisses

p.p.s. I still don't know where tears come from. Somewhere in the solar plexus.... miss you!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mingus and Chase As Urned Carbon Deposits

Dear Sweet Mingus and Chase,

You're side by each again, but in a very dusty version of yourselves. It's a little/a lot macabre, but I'm getting into it. I put you above some of this year's canning. Okay? I'm sorry Ming, they didn't have any black urns so you're in a pearly ivory one like Chasearoo, but I can't find a black lab on roller skates for the top of your urn yet. I will. The orchid spray is from David upstairs. He left a beautiful bunch of them at our door on Tuesday.

Chelsea is hanging out with me today. She came with me to pick up your ashes. Very weird. We took you to the dog park but left you in the car. Very weird.

Do I have to serve liver birthday cake at your wake? I don't think the humans will like it. Chelsea is the only pooch left. You outlived all your buddies Mingie.

I miss everything about you.

The Bitch

p.s. I posted some of our friends kind sentiments on your death day page: http://mingusandthebitch.blogspot.com/2008/11/hey-i-didnt-take-elevator.html

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Morning After You Died, Mingus

Hey, how come I can't be at my wake with you? I'm here. Where are you? Where's that demolecularizing/remolecularizing poodle, Benson, when I need him? I need him to show me how to walk through walls.... so I can get back to you. Here's a slideshow for you T.B.. You look like shit when you're so sad. I'm glad you have a hair appointment today.


Words by Pablo Neruda, as recorded for soundtrack for the film 'Il Postino'

Dear Mingus,

I slept with your thick black fur blanket from your downstairs bed cause it smells like you. Please don't be jealous. I thought Benson had taught you how to beat the confines of traditional physics--where are you?

Here's a cool thing that happened. I was having a hand massage from a masseuse who doesn't know me and after she finished my right hand and was just starting work on my left she blurted out, "do you have a dog?". I burst into tears of course and had to tell her that you had "died" yesterday, and she said she didn't know how she knew but the thought wouldn't leave her mind while she was working on my right hand--body memory baby, body memory. Anyway, she worked the kinks out of my right hand which is now deformed from carrying your fat butt down the stairs for four months. I'll be glad when you get that demolecularize/remolecularize thing beat Minguslove.

Did you have dinner with Chase? Love him for me. Any signs of Icy and Jenny and Woody and Chelsea and Shadow and Marina???? Is there an ex-pat Labrador Club? How's the food?

I look a little less like shit. I had a haircut and color and put some make-up on. I'm going swimming. Why don't you remolecularize in the pool but be invisible and we can beat Stupid Health Regulations at his exclusionary game. :-) They'll just think that a hirsuit guy was swimming in the pool.

The Bitch

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hey, I Didn't Take The Elevator

APRIL 8, 1994-NOVEMBER 18, 2008

Sweet Mingus,

Don’t cry for me

and eat your peas.

Don’t cry for me

I know you won’t forget us. Who could?

I’m going to believe in something beyond your physical beauty.

I’m going to believe that your sweetness remains here on Earth.

I’m going to believe in something….

I’m going to believe in something sweet and not as salty as this deluge I’m leaking, so far only from my eyes and nose, but I think my mouth is going to join in soon.

By the way, you did pee again after you were dead.
How cool is that?
You didn’t eat the cookie I tried to give you for peeing though. I tried the kangaroo ones, then the buffalo liver….
I’m glad you ate some of that pot roast last night and didn’t save it for today or you would have missed it. Would you like to be cremated with the pot roast? I could drive back to the clinic and have it packaged up with you.

I’m going to throw up now and then I’ll get back to crying, and then maybe I’ll finally fall asleep. It’s been quite a few days since I slept, but I liked listening to you sleeping. I’ll miss listening to you sleeping I can tell.

Well, good-bye for now. We’ll commune again later in the day okay?

Your love,

p.s. You didn’t take the elevator. I carried you.

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas in November

I'm resting up for my big overnight adventure to visit AuntieLouisaMichel--WHO ARE THE SOLE PROPRIETERS OF THE BEST DOGGIE CULINARY BOUTIQUE IN THE WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE!!!! Forget Urbane, I mean Urban, Fare, this is Top Dog Cafe! "Star Pets Only"


Friday, November 14, 2008

Wise or Just Old? My NIkes are wearing out....

So, I hippihopped down the stairs this morning in an effort to save T.B.'s back for a change and to impress her that I could go down on my own and she didn't have to carry me, and I did, and I peed, and I sniffed around, and then I had a damn seizure when I got back into our den. It was a happy seizure in My Bitch's lap, cause she saw it coming and caught me and snuggled me through it, but I'm pissed. My Nikes are wearing out as you can see in this picture, and yes, I realize I can't run anyway, but I liked the soft deep cushion of my younger feet. I know it is okay, T.B. loves me and fends for me no matter what. I wish I could still do the same for her.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Laryngeal Paralysis Next?

Will the indignities never end? We just get my hind quarter working a little better and now I'm likely to asphixiate! Who designed us? What moron gave us one big muscle and one long nerve to control such a long and important area from the top of my head, down my throat, around my heart and back up to my larynx??? Very f__king funny! I'm not amused, even if it means The Bitch strokes me most of the day and night. She looks like hell I might add when she doesn't get any sleep.

I'm breathing. I'm breathing. She said to consider it as doing Yoga together and practicing our deep breathing. Fact is, I can still do a better downward dog than T.B. can, so I can probably master deep breathing in a jiffy too!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Had A Dream

Was I dreaming?

T.B.'s spirits have shifted. There's latent optimism surfacing, she says... "After a seemingly interminable period of havoc and darkness coming from that white house, it feels like HOPE can take a turn at setting the pace, not just for the United States, but for all of us. When the camera settled on the Rev. Jesse Jackson crying in the Chicago crowd--tears of exhaustion, hope, recognition, disbelief?-- a few hundred years of vicious solitude seemed unshackled at that moment. There is a sense that the U.S.A. has been delivered into the present tense and that there will be intelligent dialogue audible in the streets in my lifetime, Mingus, if not in yours."

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Human Credibility Crisis

It isn't just a credit crisis apparently. It is a crisis of credulity ... the loss of meaning in the language is just the tip of the Alaskan iceberg according to T.B.. She still believes in me though. Wholeheartedly. Unfailingly. Devotedly.

It's reciprocal.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Sunday, November 2, 2008

No Pork On The Election Day Menu

Can’t Beet The Blues Deep Dish Pie

Dark Mumbo Gumbo and Giant Shrimps

Where Are The Greens?

Garden of Eden Crumble with Proposition 8 cream

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Green Contact Lenses For My Birthday

Minguslove! You put in green contact lenses for my birthday celebration!

Thanks for staying alive for another of my birthdays Mingie Pingie Pooporramma. It just wouldn't be happy without ya big boy.

The Bitch

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Find My Blog

So, in analyzing the data on the sources of my followers--and I use the term metaphorically of course--it has been revealed that one of my followers found me by googling: "Is foreplay dangerous?".... Yes, you read it right. Not, "floorplay".

We've stopped laughing now and are napping! But I'm sure we'll be laughing again soon... no, we are going to the dog park ...


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Wife

It starts with a couple of sleep-overs, then, you aren't even allowed half of your own bed, then, the guarding and glaring at me when I'm checking out other bitches in the park, pushing them out of my eyeview, then, has to be filling more of the photo frame than me ....

No nooky of course, none....

Can I sue T.B.?

Mingus, man--oops--dog UNDER new wife's control

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Friday, October 24, 2008

How Old Am I in Human Years

I'm only 73, not 103!

The formula is: 10.5 dog years per human year for the first 2 years, then 4 dog years per human year for each year after. I'm 14 years and 7 months old now, a mere 73 year old by The Bitch's standards.... Of course I'm going to live for her birthday, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Years, Easter, My 15th Birthday .... just a little prostate problem with the arthritis, nothing geezer men don't have to contend with ....

I admit, I'm afraid to die, for a whole lot of reasons I've told you about here before, but mostly, what if being dead is boring.... Life with T.B. isn't boring. I'm afraid of boring, not death....

Mingus, the articulate

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Of course she's painting me and not the landscape! Sheesh! Sometimes you are just so human, T.B.!
I'm famous worldwide now you know. I even have a fan in Mongolia who said I have a nice rumproast and thinks I'd be tough but tasty.

Mingus, the naive

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Affluent vs Effluent and My Girlfriend's Butt

I may not be Chelsea's stud, but I like calling her "my girlfriend" anyway. Hopefully, she has more age appropriate choices elsewhere!

I'm stumped by the words "affluent" and "effluent" at present.... as far as I can tell those humans always boasting about their affluence are just spewing more effluence..... but I'm just a dog!


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Playing "Hard to Get"

That's me with Chelsea kindly sharing my bed in the car with her. I play hard to get with her to no effect. Like me, she's more into T.B.. I can see it now, T.B. is going to haul us off to the sex therapist for correction.

Oh yeah, I have more fans too! In India! Romania. Scotland. And another bloke from the UK from Stoke on Trent.... sure that isn't "Toke" on Trent? No one seems very stoked by the place but there are some ancient ceramics there.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

The End of Affluence As a Creed

Look at the beautiful Fall colors on the trees behind me. T.B. and I are celebrating the end of affluence as a creed... I don't know exactly what that means but I think acts of random kindness that are not for profit are what she has in mind.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Thursday, October 16, 2008


17 days until T.B.'s birthday, then 53 days til Christmas .... I suppose I could pony up and get enthused about more feasts and shenanigans AND LIVE! It doesn't cost ME anything! Is my presence present enough???

I'm reluctant about death... and life... maybe a few parties will shake my apathy!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Yep, it was feast time again on Saturday night. I believe Auntie Robi was summoning, excuse me, channeling dog spirits, or maybe they were all just drinking dog spirits.... tough call... the men invented some code thing with the napkins whenever the camera came out... I think they didn't want their souls stolen by the camera, or maybe they were shooing away the spirits that Aunty Robi was summoning.... They blamed all their bizarre behavior on their buddy--B.C.
Melanie brought my young girlfriend, Chelsea, to dinner, but you'll notice that there are no pictures of us! There is turkey soup though.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stupid Health Regulations and Limited Offerings at the Therapist's

I know, the quality of the picture is awful! T.B. used the camera in her phone and Dr. Khan lowers the lights after she puts the acupuncture needles in me so.... this is the result.... T.B. wants to find a clinic that does both human massage and acupuncture and canine massage and acupuncture so that she can have a treatment at the same time as me.... however, Stupid Health Regulations will ensure there is never such a clinic. When T.B. and I rule the world things will be different!

Mingus the fur-bearer

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Only Wanna Be With You

Bitch, as I told my therapist on the couch, Auntie Deen, "Christine is the only bitch for me". It was thoughtful of you to set me up with pretty Chelsea for Friday night date night, and I'm sorry I wasn't very hospitable or into her but she's half my age, and I have you, I don't need a Friday night date, and you gave up on dating in February so what makes you think I should date?

Mingus, the celebate, to the sound of Hootie and the Blowfish

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On Wealth

Charles Mingus is speaking here on wealth, but I agree with all he said.... except I've never had any pockets... that's why I take T.B. with me everywhere I go--so she can be "my dollars in my pockets". The food and drug display constitutes the primary reason I'm still alive... wild Coho salmon, free range eggs, organic boiled Yukon gold potatoes, free range chicken stock, turmeric, vitamins, drugs, AND LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.... (you can't see the love on the table but it's in all of me and in everything T.B. cooks for me and it's in the way we are together--it's too bad T.B. isn't a Labrador Retriever I guess even though she thinks it's too bad I'm not a guy--who'd wanna be a human??!!!! I lucked out when I attracted T.B.--though she was married when we fell in love. I guess I was supposed to be a furkid, not a furhusband .... ah well... what can I say? I'm charming, reliable, loving and yes, a bit of a gigolo :-))

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Mingus Is Love

Monday, September 29, 2008

Labrador Retriever Love

Sweet Mingus, If I could fill your deafened ears with music this would be one of the songs I'd broadcast, as sung by Laura Fygi... I love you big boy and will always catch you in your little heart-stopping collapses in the park, or anywhere... I don't look forward to your death, but I do look forward to being your stalwart companion as you walk (OR RATHER, STUMBLE) towards it

The Bitch

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"In A Kennel In The Cargo Hold"

Airlines deserve to go out of business. Did you know that they have a policy of treating dogs like luggage and putting them in the cargo hold? Have you ever heard anything so blatantly ridiculous in your life? Maybe T.B. is making this up as an excuse for not taking me to Hawaii... maybe she has another Mingus in Hawaii that she is hiding from me ... that's impossible... there could never be "another Mingus".

Obviously, airlines are like despotic governements and Stupid Health Regulations. T.B. might have to put up with some dumbass human in the seat next to her instead of being able to buy the seat for me... there is no sense in how these humans organize regulations... well, she isn't going anywhere without me anyway, so it sounds like car travel from here on....

Mingus, the peeved consumer

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Trip Renewing Our Vows

T.B. and I renewed our vows yesterday. She took me to a fabulous waterfront retreat run by one of my favourite Labrador Retriever lovers and we all chilled out and enjoyed the bounty of the West Coast and slept to the lulling sound of the water and the deer and the bats and the ferries and each other. I admit, I do love T.B. as much as she loves me.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

My Zimbio
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