=" mingusandthebitch: What's It All About?


Thursday, December 4, 2008

What's It All About?

Dear Mingus,

Are you having an identity crisis like I'm having an identity crisis?

Sometimes I look at your blog to see if I can figure out who I am without you.

I'm being a human. I'm hanging with humans. They talk, remember? A lot. Some bark. They have lots of opinions and say "I" a lot. The ones I'm around are nice ... They "diagnose" like all the others but if you call them on it they mellow out ... or not.... I'm one of them, remember?

Have you figured out this time continuum thing? What's the essence of where and what you are when you're alive, and then when you are dead? Besides all the MATERIAL BALLAST that humans devise to anchor themselves in "life" and attempt to make a dint in the erosive nature of time, what's the gist of the whole thing?

That thing that supports "the human enterprise"--the economy--is broken here. So far it is still free to go for walks though. Can you join me for one my sweet heart-breaker?

Your truelove,

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