=" mingusandthebitch: On Wealth


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On Wealth

Charles Mingus is speaking here on wealth, but I agree with all he said.... except I've never had any pockets... that's why I take T.B. with me everywhere I go--so she can be "my dollars in my pockets". The food and drug display constitutes the primary reason I'm still alive... wild Coho salmon, free range eggs, organic boiled Yukon gold potatoes, free range chicken stock, turmeric, vitamins, drugs, AND LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.... (you can't see the love on the table but it's in all of me and in everything T.B. cooks for me and it's in the way we are together--it's too bad T.B. isn't a Labrador Retriever I guess even though she thinks it's too bad I'm not a guy--who'd wanna be a human??!!!! I lucked out when I attracted T.B.--though she was married when we fell in love. I guess I was supposed to be a furkid, not a furhusband .... ah well... what can I say? I'm charming, reliable, loving and yes, a bit of a gigolo :-))

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Mingus Is Love

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