=" mingusandthebitch: Yeah But Mickey Wasn't A Real Mouse


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yeah But Mickey Wasn't A Real Mouse

So the morning starts out fine, with room service, poached eggs, organic Yukon Gold mashers, BACK BACON!! and a chaser of chicken stock and all my vitamins and drugs ... and then she springs it on me. I have an International following!

Humans in Malaysia, in Japan, in the UK, Sweden and Mexico and in several U.S. states including California, Illinois, Arizona, Texas, Michigan, New York, and even Kentucky, and right across Canada are reading my blog. T.B. is branding me--no not with a cattle iron--far more painful than the one-shot searing of flesh... branding me as a commodity! Selling my soul and all the secrets we share and THAT I THOUGHT WERE ONLY OURS! She wouldn't do this to her lovers (or would she?)! She thinks that just because I'm a dog she can make me into a commodity! It's outrageous! I need a lawyer never mind a Vet. What next? Book-signings? I can't spell, and now that my paws are all crippled up I can' t make paw prints too effectively either.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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