=" mingusandthebitch: Poor Usage


Friday, August 15, 2008

Poor Usage

Why should I be concerned with mastering English? The language is being corrupted and misused even by the English.

For instance, T.B. just read some advertising copy about sheets and is busting a gut. SHEETS CANNOT BE SENSUAL! Of course if the sheets are an animate character in a Tom Robbins' novel, that's a different deal. YOU HAVE TO BE CAPABLE OF FEELING TO BE SENSUAL. THE PEOPLE OR ANIMALS ON TOP OF THE SHEETS, ROLLING AROUND ON THE SHEETS, MESSING UP THE SHEETS, MAY OR MAY NOT BE SENSUAL, BUT THE SHEETS ARE NOT SENSUAL. SHEESH!!!

Back to my own malapropisms.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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