=" mingusandthebitch: Hotter Than Hades Here In Paradise


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hotter Than Hades Here In Paradise

This fan, and the other three fans directed at me, are my best friends. Please do not give me any human "fans". I'm tortured enough! T.B. is also torturing me by watching Olympians swimming.... in refreshingly cool waters I presume... who cares if they are under psychological pressure! She says I'm torturing her by making her a prisoner to my longevity. We've reached a sweaty detente on that one--only I can't sweat, only pant. I've just ordered some more chilled chicken stock with turkey heart slivers from room service. T.B. has ordered more chilled Pinot Grigio and an antipasto plate. Beautiful men on television, what more does she want?

Mingus, the heated

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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