=" mingusandthebitch: That Tree Is Older Than Me


Saturday, August 2, 2008

That Tree Is Older Than Me

T.B. drove me to the Dog Park at Spanish Banks this afternoon, but I didn't feel like getting out of the car and limping around with all the weekenders--touristas, so we snuggled up with the hatch open and then she took me to the quiet-no-one-ever-goes-there-dog park where I communed with this old tree.

I look too young to be so ancient. I don't see why I can't live for as long as T.B., or this tree. That just isn't fair to either T.B. or to me. No one will ever be able to look after her and love her like me and never let her out of their sight... especially not some dumb totally self-interested guy.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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