=" mingusandthebitch: Loss of Dignity and My Friends


Friday, August 1, 2008

Loss of Dignity and My Friends

It turns out that you can't eat only liver brownies in a day and not pay the consequences. T.B. came home after a couple of hours away and found me not my usual sophisticated, cocktails and kisses ready for you self but sort of sadly stranded in nature's revenge for over-eating liver brownies with a failing bowel. I must have looked pretty pathetic cause she pretty much collapsed and sponge bathed me on the spot and cleaned up the rest of the mess once I was clean and comfortable in my bed and drugged up. That was a lot of laundry! It reminded me of what it was like before Chase went in the elevator, but then I was helping T.B. to look after him, not participating in the mess....

My little buddy at the dog park today said I'm still intact, gorgeous, smell great and am so wise.

We had our little nose to nose, tete a tete, heart to heart connection too. It's good to feel loved.

Mingus, the charitable and kind

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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