=" mingusandthebitch: Tears In Heaven


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tears In Heaven

Yes, there are chefs in heaven who have earned their four Dog ratings.

Yes, Lassie and Rintintin are both dead. You'll have no reason to be embarrassed about being dead, Minguslove.

Of course I'll keep writing about you and talking to you and loving you, even once you're dead and yes, you can still pretend to be sleeping in the curve of my legs with your so, so, so soft muzzle on my shins Sweetlove.

I don't know about liver brownie dealers in heaven. If there are liver brownie dealers in heaven your brother, Chase, will have an account open with them no doubt. No, you can't bill my credit card.

Yes, I promise I'll only play Joshua Redman's version of "Tears In Heaven" because Eric Clampton's version is too sad and I'll die from sadness and you won't be able to save me from drowning in my own tears, I know ....

You're not dead yet big boy, but you can keep telling me all your fears anyway.

The Bitch


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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