=" mingusandthebitch: Soup For Mingus


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Soup For Mingus

You take fresh chicken stock with herbs fines (and use chickens that had a life and organic feed, not those creatures tortured from the minute they were hatched, to make the chicken stock) and cook a mixed dice of carrots, beans, broccoli and whatever other veggies you like in the chicken stock until tender, then add a couple pounds of organic chicken livers to the broth and poach the livers. Cool this mixture to room temperature, then ladel the soup into your bowl as desired. I like a dollop of fresh ricotta in the middle. Get your bitch to do all this for you since standing on your hind legs and controlling the French (or German in our case) knife is hard on the paws and this all takes time that would be better spent sleeping on the couch.

Chef Mingus

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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