=" mingusandthebitch: The Key To Life


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Key To Life

So Bro this is what it comes down to. You have to eat, drink, pee and poo and be able to go up and down stairs and walk without panting loudly.... otherwise, it's curtains, the big last call to Dr. Kevorkian and you come back in an urn as a pile of ashes that never get cuddles, walked, handfed breakfast in bed... it's dire!

What goes in has to come out. Which brings me to where do all T.B.'s tears come from? I've never seen her drink tears.... mind you I drink water and chicken stock and that comes out as pee, so maybe tears start out as San Pellegrino or Pinot Grigio or Cabernet Sauvignon or tea or coffee and then turn into tears. I'd like to understand this crying thing before I die. Why don't we cry?

Mingus, the continually perplexed

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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