=" mingusandthebitch: What? I Become Part of The Carbon Deposits In The Soil!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What? I Become Part of The Carbon Deposits In The Soil!

This is bad! Very bad! T.B. wakes up crying this morning. Or I wake up and she's crying and dehairing me all over her clean sheets. She's not crying about the hair either. She appears to be crying about a lump on my muzzle. It's my lump biatch, do you have to claim ownership of my lumps now? STOP CRYING!!!!

I mean she had me castrated so that I could be her doting "pet", not giving a damn about my capacities as a stud, only caring about how domesticated she could make me, how responsive to her "commands", bribing me all the time with luxurious surroundings and gourmet foods, claiming that medical studies show that my life will be prolonged for having lost my nuts as a youth. WELL MAYBE I DON'T REALLY WANT TO LIVE SO LONG IF I CAN'T FREELY EXERCISE MY SEXUAL RIGHTS AS A LIVERATED STUD!!! Don't manipulate me with your crying now. Your emotions can't possibly hurt as much as losing my nuts, then my spleen, but MOSTLY MY INDEPENDENCE!!!

And, I find out that when I die I just become part of the landscape again. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, shed hair to carbon footprint... Oh maybe she'll do some stupid public tribute to my posterity, set up a foundation in my name, rescue another "poor helpless little homeless puppy" or worse, pay for another stud to train into submission, but not before she castrates him! She's evil. I've been living with a demon for over fourteen years all because I can't read, I can't write, I can't talk, I can't earn money.... I'm dependent on the "charity" of T.B..

Mingus, the lately enlightened

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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