=" mingusandthebitch: COURAGE


Sunday, July 20, 2008


Admittedly the day didn't start out so well. I refused breakfast, despite all the machinations and trials which started with T.B. mixing up kibble and lamb roast with mashed potatoes--which I couldn't stomach, then she tried wild sockeye salmon which was delicious last night, but not so appetizing today, then she tried roast chicken with risotto rice, which when hand fed was palatable. Then she resorted to canned dog food, which is a little like getting junk food when you're sick... I ate some, just enough so she could give me my joint pills... I did settle on liver strips.... then I passed out after I peed. She was hoping I was dead then, I could tell, and she confided as much to our neighbor, Guy--who offered to play ambulance with us. BUT I RALLIED!!! I'm not going to die on Saint Margaret of Antioch Day! Pleeeeeeezzzzzzze! The patroness of CHILDBIRTH!!! I'm gay and a non-breeder!

The point of today's exercise is to test just how many trips to the supermarket and the dog food store she'll make in one day to get me to eat (and how she'll juggle this with a busy work schedule), and how many meals she will prepare and throw out, and reinvent, and hand feed. I don't think I can live on Feelgood's "Little Bag of Courage" frozen beef hearts, but they are rather like splurging on a day or two of bonbons in bed, or on my flokati on the couch in my case. She's drugging me up too, so all in all I feel pretty good. She's a good soldier/nurse T.B. is. She really has proven her loyalty and commitment. Maybe, I'll reward her by fulfilling her wish that I die in my sleep one night before my bones make more pain for me. We'll see....

Mingus, securely in control

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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