=" mingusandthebitch: Trust And Fear


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trust And Fear

Mrs. Mingusbitch,

I gave you my trust and you gave me yours. I protected you in every way I could and you did the same in return. I alleviated your fears of walking in the forest. I've never, ever, neglected you, or acted in a way that would jeopardize our devotion to each other (except maybe that time when I followed that woman with the ice cream cone part way towards her car before my loyal to Christine gene kicked back in).

I'm asking you not to cause me fear now. Listen to me and what my body is telling you, and don't put fear into this perfect little relationship of trust we've built together. Please don't let those clinicians hurt me, or take me to a place that is going to make me feel fearful. I'm feeling kind of lousy and I want your pledge. I don't want to die in fear, I want to die in your arms like Chase did, in love, not in fear.

I'm not one of your unreliable, fear-driven, narcissistic, avaricious, neglectful and did I say, "unreliable and vain and grotesquely driven by self-interest" Homosapien male "friends". All I'm asking of you is to continue our bond of trust as I'm dying and to eliminate my fear. Just be conscious for both of us and act with the love in your heart that I've relied on for all these years. Have a logical consult with Dr. Kevorkian and remember I'm trusting you not to cause me any fear. I trust you bitch, please keep trusting me to tell you what is right.

Your Loving Mingus

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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