=" mingusandthebitch: That's More Like It


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

That's More Like It

Okay already, I'm not driven by animal lust and haven't followed my "head" around for my whole life. This doesn't mean I'm going to thank T.B. for having my nuts removed! She made me into a Mama's Boy who followed his stomach around his whole life. Well, now my appetite has waned.... wait a minute... room service and hand fed in bed! Okay, I'll eat some boiled egg and some banana bread and maybe a little chicken, but I'm not eating kibble, or salmon, or lamb.... oh, and pass the anti-inflamatories, and maybe we could smoke a little weed with breakfast.... get the appetite up.... (the more I look at that erectile high function print on her wall, the more I'm relived at my situation--that is one awkward talking stick!) pass the molasses for this dish of yogurt will you???? No thank you, no potatoes for me..... yes, I'll have some of that handfed thigh meat....

Bed really is a great place, isn't it?

Mingus, with appetite returning

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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