=" mingusandthebitch: T.B. Visits Dr. Kavorkian


Monday, July 21, 2008

T.B. Visits Dr. Kavorkian

I'm resting up cause T.B. has an appointment with my Dr. Kavorkian tomorrow in the guise of a consult on controlling my pain and planning my humane death.... "humane" worries me.... chopping my nuts off was "humane" remember????

We're having a party here on Wednesday for Auntie V's birthday, so I'm relying on her having the sense to realize I'm the co-host as usual... and that she'll cover for my despondency with a pile of excuses that don't include "imminent euthanasia". I wish I could hear then I'd know what she's been SAYING ON THE SUBJECT.

So far I'm here and Chase and Mew are just pictures of themselves and some memories held by their significant others like T.B. and me.....

I'm sleeping now... night, night

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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