=" mingusandthebitch: In The Religious Sky Lay The Omen Of The Elk Bone


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In The Religious Sky Lay The Omen Of The Elk Bone

I can't say why T.B. thinks picnics and books are a good match exactly. At tonight's picnic I decided to address this issue of religious outcomes for myself, so I prayed for an elk bone. A flood of sunlight struck my velvet bed in the park and from the cooler emerged: MY ELK BONE!

I licked the marrow out, but wasn't too keen on the rest (old elk--smells bad--and was previously frozen, T.B. should know better, wasn't she a chef at one time! Sheesh!)

Mingus, the touched by the god of the elk bone

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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