=" mingusandthebitch: The Death Talk


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Death Talk

Maybe because she had my nuts chopped off when I was little and therefore I couldn't bang anyone up, I didn't get the "sex talk". She pretty much let me hump whoever wanted to hump--animate and inanimate--so long as it was consensual. I don't know whether the "death talk" is really any different, and since I'm deaf it isn't like I'm "listening". I just hope she is.

I'm still having some fun. I met a little half-breed named Kai tonight and we flirted and T.B. fed her some of my hard liver cookies that I don't like anymore cause they are HARD. T.B. tried to have the "death talk" with me yesterday with the elk bone and the Weber props, and then in the night when I tossed an turned and panted for forty-five minutes and she had to re-position my legs for me everytime I flipped sides, JUST LIKE I WAS A ROAST!!! I'm glad my bitch is also a chef! Fixing me in the night is just like timing the basting of the roast!

I only keep her up for an hour here and an hour there--no different than some of the MEN she wastes her time with!

Mingus, the determined to live every moment

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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