=" mingusandthebitch: Dominion Day


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dominion Day

It's Canada Day! The nation was weened of/by the Brits VERY SLOWLY apparently. The Brits are known for slow, inane and sadistic tortures made to look refined and humane according to T.B., but I think she relates this to that loves-to-hide- and-never-speak-up Brit she fell in love with so stupidly a while back. Which reminds me, I miss his kid. So does T.B..

Nation-building and nation-weening and national independence are topics of HOT contest and sorry outcomes mostly. My Mom weened me by force I know, and then gave me up for adoption by force too. She was a sex slave that lived in a concrete kennel and didn't get to determine her reproductive choices through informed decisions and free will--like most of the beings on the planet I guess.

I'm lucky. T.B. "fixed" me so that I could be pawloose and fancyfree. I've been a surogate dad and a big brother to lots of pups and people and I'm a great husband for T.B., though I'm not likely to leave her any better off financially than her last husband. I wish I could fix that but I can't talk, can't write, can't make money and therefore can't really look after her. I guess she knew that going in.

Is she really going to be okay after I die? I'm afraid for her. She's lived through all these other tragedies, but I like to think that maybe she'll die with me so that I don't have to worry about her being here without me.

Mingus, the devoted

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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