=" mingusandthebitch: Can I Have My Way With Mingus?


Monday, June 30, 2008

Can I Have My Way With Mingus?


Are you Mrs. Mingus'pimp? I'd like to reserve a time to have my way with Mingus. I'm not heavy into BDSM and am generally considered Switchy. I understand he has a hard time at this stage of life being either the bottom or the top, so I feel that I would be a suitable "playmate" for him. Short term of course. I'm willing to pay. I don't shed. I don't have any communicable diseases. I am ultimately looking for a long term arrangement, perhaps every afternoon and the occasional weekend. I don't do laundry, or cook, or hunt or gather. I do swallow.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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