=" mingusandthebitch: Beware of Dog, How Can a Heart Hurt So Much?


Friday, July 4, 2008

Beware of Dog, How Can a Heart Hurt So Much?

Our friend, Louis de Niverville, gave us this portrait, "Beware of Dog" he painted (collaged) of Mingus when he was four years old. He captured Ming's Dr. Seussness in the shadows so aptly!

Tough night with Mingus and his irregular heart beats ... my sleepy hand on his chest feeling the strain of his big loving heart working so hard to keep pushing the blood through his old, and kind, heart.

He has switching sides down to a fine art. I correct his back legs for him, which don't move in smooth sync with the rest of him anymore. We're an old couple adusting to each other's creaks in the night.

Another dose of arnica at 3 a.m., for him, but I think I'll start arnica for me too, or maybe I'll start drinking again! I'm up and might as well check my mail... just a short sleepy note that a friend is back home from an adventure with his daughters in the East ... I know the heartbreak that lurks there is more sufficient than mine... it's all relative in familial love.

After a pretty much sleepless night for me, we get up for Ming to have LAMB HEARTS and porridge, and I promise some dancing doms in latex this afternoon. The damn dog just keeps smiling back ... even when I don't produce the dancing doms in latex.

He'll tell me when, I know he'll tell me "when it's enough ... or too much". In the meantime the damn sun should shine more cause I can water the grass, the city, with my tears just fine.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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