=" mingusandthebitch: "My Life Was Shattered When I Found Out About T.B.'s Affairs"


Thursday, July 3, 2008

"My Life Was Shattered When I Found Out About T.B.'s Affairs"

There's a non-cereal version of polygamy that T.B. has been involved in and it has destroyed our marriage. I'm so depressed I can hardly look at her. All the time I thought she was diligently using the Internet to promote our happy marriage and publicize our unique and exclusive devotion, but I found out that she has an addiction to Internet intimacy with MEN no less. Some of them even age-appropriate men, that is OLD MEN. Many of these non-exclusive relationships happen simultaneously and don't involve cereal at all, but talk of other foodstuffs! Her claim to being mostly a cereal monogamist is just more lies! I just want to die; or sue, or make a public spectacle over it. I went into this marriage expecting full ownership and I never even got her registration papers from her breeder.

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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