=" mingusandthebitch: From Puppy to Poopy


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

From Puppy to Poopy

From Puppy to Poopy.... that about sums it up... I'm not poopy..... yet.... but I do get pooped easily, just like Uncle Buddy did when I was a little snookum who just wanted to play all the time, and he was a retired and feeble gentlepooch who just wanted to pass along some of his knowledge to me before he went in the elevator.

That's a picture of one of the trinities I am part of at the dog park. We perfect Labradors come in three colors you know, so that we can be assured of having visible dog hair on any color clothes you wear, or any color of furniture you own etc... We have great presence as you can see from our proud statures.

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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