=" mingusandthebitch: Oldest Bust of Caesar Found


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oldest Bust of Caesar Found

I know I have it pretty good. T.B. won't even go on a holiday without me cause I'm so old and "frail" and rely on her so much and she wants to be sure I die in her arms like Chase did or something. I'm going to try to die of a massive heart attack while out on a walk--somewhere where it will be really difficult for her to get my body out. She loves a challenge. I think I might just stop breathing instead, in an act of self-willed death. Have you noticed that if you stop breathing you faint? I guess you have to stop breathing for longer to die. Like everything else in life it is a matter of degrees..... which we don't have many of cause 1/it is still freezing here despite it being mid-May 2/stupid health regulations and my inability to read or write meant I couldn't go to University so I don't have any degrees... Yes, my mind does wander in a strange stream of semi-consciousness....

Anyway, I've noticed that she has paintings of me, and drawings of me, and photos of me and this retarded blog about me, but she doesn't have any sculptures of me! I haven't been cast in bronze yet! It's outrageous isn't it? They just found what is apparently the oldest surviving bust of Julius Caesar near Arles. I clearly have to leave more remnants of me around for the scavenger hunts and archaeological digs which will follow for centuries after my death.

Mingus, the Great

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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