=" mingusandthebitch: Easter, Posterity and Rituals Surrounding the Transitory


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter, Posterity and Rituals Surrounding the Transitory

That's me with my Uncle Buddy when I was twelve weeks old... that's 714 weeks ago... Buddy taught me to pose for the camera... Buddy was wise; he understood the concepts of posterity and the temporary nature of life in the grass or in the lake or on the couch.... and the permanence of a good photograph.

After he went in the elevator and came back in an urn, Aunty Susan and My Bitch took him to the beach to scatter him back to the water that he loved so much. They were crying so hard so Buddy orchestrated a comedy. The top wouldn't release from the urn so they had to get a hammer out of the trunk of Aunty Susan's car and break the urn open and Buddy must have asked Zeus to stir up a big wind, which he did, and as Aunty Susan and My Bitch started throwing his ashes to the wind they all came flying back towards them and all their tears dried up when they couldn't stop laughing at how silly the rituals around the transitory nature of life/death are.... We all went for breakfast after we dusted Buddy off of ourselves. I had half a toasted sesame seed bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon. I don't remember what My Bitch had.

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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