=" mingusandthebitch: It's 4:20, I'm Dreaming of Your Resurrection Bro


Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's 4:20, I'm Dreaming of Your Resurrection Bro

Dear Chase,

I'll be expecting you at 4:20 tomorrow for Easter Dinner... We're having rabbit for the main course. Though I tried to catch them myself I can't do it anymore without you ... I can't even do catch and release anymore! Looks like there are organic chicken hearts in herbes fine to start too... and kale (yuck!), and GORGONZOLA!!!!!!!

Can you bring Uncle Buddy with you? I can hear Patrick Watson if Our Bitch puts the headphones on me.... If you're coming to dinner we can use the splitter on the I-Pod! (this is strong sh_t, stud!)


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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