=" mingusandthebitch: Swimming Is More Fun Than Fainting After Chasing Rabbits


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Swimming Is More Fun Than Fainting After Chasing Rabbits

I like the way My Bitch drops to her knees for me and lies down in the dirt! Well, admittedly, I took off after those two black rabbits in Jericho Park at a speed not approved for my age, and then when My Bitch caught up to me it was just in time to catch me as I keeled over, just like on Boxing Day. It smelled nice down there in the wet underbrush, like wild sage and fresh cut hay, better than smelling salts to wake me up. She thought I might go in the elevator right there, but I fooled her and stood up and walked back to the car quite normally and leapt in... She was especially moved by my eyes rolling back in their sockets and scooped me into her arms andrubbed my ears and then my belly. I was tempted to just keep faking it after I'd come to, but I didn't want her calling the hearst on me. Plus, a could see out of the corner of my eye that two Standard Poodles were headed our way and I had to be pulled together by the time they reached us. Haha! I did my own resurrection scene before Easter Sunday!

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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