=" mingusandthebitch: Eye Sight and AGING


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Eye Sight and AGING

Aunty V & Gus on my 4th birthday Aunty V and Uncle T at Academy Awards Dinner 2008!

I know you think I'm obsessing on "loss", but I'm nearing my 100th birthday and I'm the last dog standing from the pack I started out with! All faculties are failing. Look at the pictures, they don't lie! On the top was Aunty V with Gus at my 4th birthday party, and Gus went in the elevator and has been replaced by a puppy, not named Stupid Health Regulations, but, "Findlay"..... I could see Aunty V at that resolution on my 4th birthday, and on the bottom, is how I see Aunty V and Uncle T now! My sense of smell and touch is all I really have intact!

Oh, and my sense of HUMOR!

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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