=" mingusandthebitch: Sweet Chase and Joan of Arc


Monday, March 24, 2008

Sweet Chase and Joan of Arc

Hey Beautiful Bro. Chase,

I guess we really are living in different places 'cause I know you wouldn't pass up rabbit for dinner! So much for bridging the time continuum! Do you have memories where you are or does going in the elevator purge the memories?

Luc Besson's "Joan of Arc" was on television tonight:


Our Bitch thinks it is a wonderful rendition of the tail, oops, I mean tale! Something about exploring the realm between divine intelligence, learned intelligence and how culture overlays this. Beats me, and by the way there were beets with dinner. I don't think our minds work like Joan of Arc's, they are intuitive but ultimately CONCRETE. We experience deep sentiment and drive but not on the same scale of obliteration! We might get peeved with a certain dog and bite his nose or his ear but we don't then set out to destroy every dog of his ilk....

Love and Kisses,

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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