=" mingusandthebitch: Seance Dogs


Monday, March 24, 2008

Seance Dogs

Hey Bros. ...
Apparently there is something dumb humans call "the seance" and it's okay to talk to the dead in the context of "the seance"... because money changes hands and there are agents involved and that makes it all okay... whatever! Thankfully we aren't full of crap humans, we're eat some crap, or have a crap, dogs. By the way, Chase, we don't walk in the woods much anymore, so you aren't missing any piles of horse manure loaded with Vitamin B. Since my BIG BIRTHDAY is coming up soon, I thought it a good time to post this picture of Woody with the green satin bowtie from our fourth birthday party. WHAT A DANDY!!! He really was star-quality beautiful though, wasn't he? (even if he did suck all the oxygen out of the room for everyone else ... you have to admit that none of us could clear a coffee table of all the human's drinks with our tail-wagging like Woody could! Maybe he was Egyptian and not related to us at all? That dark charcoal eyeliner and the way he wiggled those hips????? Hmmm. BTW Aunty Deen is going to Egypt...)

So, it looks like The Bitch is trying to profit on our lives now. As if we didn't give her enough love and satisfaction and vet and food bills and bills for dog-sitting and wardrobe and car-cleaning etc bills during our lives ...???? Well, at least she never sent us to work!

Oh, the channeller is leaving now and going back to his cabin in the woods on Denman Island or something, so I have to end this correspondence with you DEAD DOGS. I wish Einstein was our bitch! Or Spock!


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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