=" mingusandthebitch: Intra-Species Daliances--Dog and Cat


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Intra-Species Daliances--Dog and Cat

I dreamt about our cat this morning. She must have gone in the elevator too. I'm ambivalent about the arrival of my own invitation to go in the elevator. On the one paw I might get to meet up with all these creatures who made up my past, but on the other paw what if My Bitch doesn't get on the elevator with me? and, there's still so much salmon to be eaten....

.......... I'm on that couch in the left corner--held in place by Woody's fat head (we sent Woody to live on Salt Spring Island because though he was even more beautiful than I, he was so insecure and competitive and BLONDE that we thought he'd fair better as a country boy! His sperm swam circles and so did he... we have a lot of Woody stories! Like the time he tried to commit suicide by jumping into the Green River rapids but ended up falling into a 20 metre deep hole between the bridge pilon and the embankment and had to be rescued by My Bitch's ex-husband...)

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