=" mingusandthebitch: True Love Stretched Us--Labrador Retriever tugs against Rottweiler


Sunday, March 16, 2008

True Love Stretched Us--Labrador Retriever tugs against Rottweiler

My bitchfriend, Kora, and I, let love stretch us on the ropes. She didn't scare me when I looked in her eyes like she scared all the other dogs. I saw her for what she was... a bully, hormonally imbalanced, desperate for my love and My Bitch's peanut butter and carob cookies.

Sometimes when we walked by Kora's house we would toss little gift bags of gourmet cookies into her shrubs.... and then she would write me faxes about "deranged prowlers" in her yard....

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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