=" mingusandthebitch: Shrine to Chase, Yellow Labrador Retriever


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Shrine to Chase, Yellow Labrador Retriever

See what happens after you go in the elevator?????? You come back in an urn and have little offerings made to your picture, but you aren't here to eat them.....

Actually, Chase didn't die after going into an elevator. He died in My Bitch's arms in his red donut bed in the back of our old car, with me in my red donut bed beside him. My Bitch got him really stoned and then drove us around for an hour or so and hand fed him sirloin and an ice cream cone and CHOCOLATE and then parked in his vet's lot and she gave him some more drugs that put him to sleep permanently and then his vet and My Bitch cried like a couple of babies because he ate all the chocolate and didn't leave any for the rest of us.... It's a good thing Aunty N. wasn't there to miss out on the chocolate! She would have cried the hardest cause it was dark chocolate.

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