=" mingusandthebitch: I Caught Her Checking Out The Puppies


Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Caught Her Checking Out The Puppies

Not only are my feet broken, but so is my heart. I caught T.B. being overly-interested in some puppies at Kits Park. I'm not jealous because I know that she'll never, ever, ever be able to replicate what she and I have, but I'm hurt that I can't be a puppy all over again and relive my life with T.B. from beginning to end a few times more. I'd like to be a better diver on the second round and I'd sure like to go cross-country skiing with her again.

She says I'm not nearly as sad about this unfair aging thing as she is--does she have to make a contest out of this? We both lose no matter how you slice the . . . FISH BROWNIES. WHO KNEW? FISH INSTEAD OF LIVER (or maybe its liverfish brownies)!!!!
Mingus, with fish breath

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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