=" mingusandthebitch: Black Labrador Slideshow


Friday, September 5, 2008

Black Labrador Slideshow

Let me make one thing perfectly clear--this was not my idea! T.B. is playing with this slideshow thing and guess who has to be the subject matter?!#$%**!!!??? She thinks it is really funny set to Salli Terri's very romantic ballad "Black Is The Color of My True Love's Hair". I have fur, not hair! She actually does love me this much ... look, am I going to try to convince her to pour all this love into "a man"? PPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSEEE!!!! (Well, maybe a rich man who will send us to Santa Monica for the winter where my feet might hurt less! )

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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