=" mingusandthebitch: I Am A Trip To Florence


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Am A Trip To Florence

If I understood properly, T.B. told someone on the telephone that I am her trip to Florence and at this rate, Barcelona, too. She listed off my various doctors appointments, medications, and menu plan like they were scenic stops along the Arno. She's such a romantic.

p.s. what's a cost benefit analysis?

Mingus, the holiday replacement dog

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch


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Thanks, and we hope you Find Your Wag!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the invite to join DogTime Blog Network. As we retain all copyright and intellectual property rights to the material on our site: www.mingusandthebitch.com, we will not be joining your network under your standard agreement, but we do sincerely appreciate your interest.

Best of luck with DogTime Blog Network
Mingus and The Bitch

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