=" mingusandthebitch: Beware of Con Dogs In The Park


Monday, September 22, 2008

Beware of Con Dogs In The Park

I am recovering in my red donut bed ontop of my freshly laundered flokati in the sun, and munching on warm poached organic chicken hearts with tumeric (a marvelous anti- inflamatory!), after enduring a shakedown by a black Labrador Retriever in the dog park. In my opinion he was part pitbull and testosterone-plagued and clearly not up on civil behavior with respect to ones elders.

He intimidated me until I had a smallish heart attack and collapsed, but not before I had a bowel movement. T.B. was getting set to punch him in the face or nuts when he wouldn't back off with her pulling him off me and yelling "OFF YOU STUPID FUCK", but his [un]professional dogwalker intervened and scooted him outta there. The Bitch bore the brundt of "the attack" since she was still in her fancy work clothes and laid down with me in the wet grass and mud to hold me until I came too. (BTW, I think she'd be a mighty fine mud wrestler! You can dress her up, but you can't stop her rolling a bully onto his back just cause she's wearing a suit.)

Mingus, and his Consigliere

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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