=" mingusandthebitch: I Need A Stay of Execution


Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Need A Stay of Execution

I only weigh 75 pounds--how tough can it be on her to carry me down a couple of flights of stairs and to the grass when it's raining? Look at all I've done for her for the past 14 years and five months? She says she can have me executed because my feet are sore. She says "it's the best thing"... for who? is what I want to know? For you is it the best thing? It's not the best thing for me. What if I end up all alone out there dead? I'll be scared and I can't hear and I can't walk very well as you know.... We need to think about this execution idea a little harder, Bitch...

Mingus, seeking mercy

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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