=" mingusandthebitch: Afternoon Arrangements


Monday, August 4, 2008

Afternoon Arrangements

Can't you see, my bitch doesn't let me out of her sight or off this lead--why do you think I have such a wrinkled old face? No, I can't e-mail you my phone number. You'll have to memorize it. There's a slight chance that I could meet you in my back lane for an hour or so tomorrow. DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO MY BITCH. Pretend we're sniffing noses, she's stopped talking to your owner now. .... Look, I don't screw around anymore than her husband or her lover and definitely less than her teenage son. If she didn't act like Gestapo we'd all be less inclined to sneak around on her. I don't want a lecture Mingus ... let's just forget it... I like the stud you introduced me to last time better than you anyway .... dumb and trusting and has whiter teeth and fewer opinions on anything ..... and his owner doesn't blog everything that goes on in his life!

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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