=" mingusandthebitch: Tell Me Again


Monday, July 28, 2008

Tell Me Again

I simply asked T.B. to restate her promise--which she did. "I will not replace you with another dog Mingus. You are irreplaceable Sweetlove." She said it three times lucky. I believe her. We both know there could never be another Mingus.

Husbands are a different thing. That's all about property. She can do whatever she wants on the man or husband front. Who cares?!! I was married with her, so I know the inside on that one. You can't fool me anymore than you can fool T.B..

It's obvious isn't it? Don't you just want to punch people in the face when they ask whether you will get another dog when this one dies. Would they ask someone whose kid just died whether they were going to make or buy a new one to replace the one that just perished????? I can see why T.B. loves me more than anyone--look at the options!!!

Mingus, the perfect

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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