=" mingusandthebitch: Color-coordinating My Death


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Color-coordinating My Death

I'm getting the hang of this death and near-death thing now. It's high-drama. Like weddings.

It's hard to die on red I would think since it is so hot and vibrant, but it is surprisingly nice to sleep on red. I'm sort of hoping that red sheets under black dog will attract a vampire, or some cheesy women in tacky lingerie who will cuff me to the bed.... Tramadol and Arsenica, and Vampires and Whores.... dying is rather theatrical and when you drag it out like this it loses some of the sadness and becomes as boring as most relationships which stagnate.... Everybody loves you when the drama is high and they can claim a piece of the spotlight for themselves, but if you just fade gently into the night they forget about you in no time flat....

so much for posterity....

Mingus, the beautiful and kind (and slightly kinky)

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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