=" mingusandthebitch: Party Over My Head


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Party Over My Head

Here's how Auntie V's party looked from my perspective except for the few times that I got up on the couch. I was pretty stoned on Tramadol, and then Auntie R. tried to get me to eat a roach, not dipped in chocolate, with her. Old Hippies!! You can buy them the latest fashions but they are still old hippies! Tif hung out with us too to make us all feel a little younger. I'm not sure what the "men thing" was where the guys were putting the heads on their shoulders together to look at something that seemed to be in the vicinity of their other heads. I can't hear, or see very well, so that one is still a mystery to me. They didn't invite me to join them so clearly they didn't want any competition from the stud in the room. I was busy looking after the biatches anyway....


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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