=" mingusandthebitch: NOT Going Too Far!


Saturday, July 5, 2008

NOT Going Too Far!

Let's make something perfectly clear here! This is fiction extrapolated from life. Mingus and T.B. are not lovers, have never been lovers, will never be lovers.... It isn't that we are prudish, nor inhibited, nor judgmental ... we just have our personal boundaries and respect certain laws which are in place about human interaction with animals, and though Mingus is truly one of the most charming, disarming and lovable creatures that limps on Earth, T.B. doesn't have THAT KIND OF CHEMISTRY WITH HIM! So, please do not contact us in an effort to accommodate your kinks.

This blog is merely a fusion ... a creative (we hope) effort to elucidate the profound, companionable, coupleLIKE WITH ENORMOUS LIMITATONS IN TERMS OF COMMUNICATON POTENTIAL FOR PEOPLE AND THEIR DOGS. This is not a porn site! If there is anything vaguely erotic about the content, it is intended only in as far as it would be an amusing take on human culture from a dog's point of view. Okay, so we are prudes, but we are prudes who know their boundaries. Shish!

Mingus and T.B.

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Men, did you get weird comments... I guess i didn't see that coming...Joy

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