=" mingusandthebitch: Trying To Get Adopted As a Star Pet


Monday, June 16, 2008

Trying To Get Adopted As a Star Pet

T.B. accused me of being a sycophant with Auntie and Uncle Louisa-Michel since they've been orphaned by their two Black Labrador Retrievers ... all because they own a big delicious shop filled with organic treats that I could spend my retirement in and overeat, I mean oversee, the perishable stock and ensure none of it stays in the refrigerators or on the shelves past the overdue dates! I was only thinking of their well-being when I tried to weasel my way permanently into their embraces, and their grocery bags FILLED WITH TREATS T.B. NEVER, EVER BUYS FOR ME--SOME SHE NEVER EVEN KNEW EXISTED AND SHE CALLS HERSELF DEVOTED AND GASTRONOMICALLY ENLIGHTENED?????

Mingus, the torn between Great Loves

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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