=" mingusandthebitch: Imperfect


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


My big nose, her blemishes and Medusa hair, my cataracts, and grey muzzle ... we have faces only each other could love ... which leads me back to how I have to get her adopted soon ... before I die from one of these damn infections, or from rabbit and squirrel-chasing .... Maybe her Vet could find her a new partner when I die, or I could find someone to adopt her like she found Auntie and Uncle Barb to adopt "Woody"? That was a good deal! He got to live on acreage in the country, though mostly he lived on the couch.

There's so many worries and responsibilities that come with these true love relationships! No wonder my heart gets sore.

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

Mingus, the Worrier

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