=" mingusandthebitch: Mother's Day 2008


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

It's Mother's Day, which was a 19th C invention meant to unite thinking, sentient women into creating a pacifist society in the wake of the U.S. Civil War.... well, so much for that. Now it's a day to buy stuff for your mother. I don't have any money so I just give love to T.B., same as every other day. Besides which, she isn't really my birth mother, more my "guardian and executive chef". By the way, I don't like dolmades. The stuffing is okay, but only okay. Grape leaves should stay on the vine.

We met an Irish Setter at the Dog Park this afternoon-- a picture really does paint a thousand words! I had to leave. I couldn't take anymore. They really are as stupid as they look.

We met a small squat dog with more wrinkles than T.B. too. It's okay, she said it first.

Happy non-pacifist and pacifist mother's get flowers day. Love your mommy whether she's a peaceful bitch or a mean bitch.... she's your mommy....

Mingus, the resigned

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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