=" mingusandthebitch: "It Was Only A Fainting Spell" says Mingus


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"It Was Only A Fainting Spell" says Mingus


Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 -- The interactive Gemini Sun fans the fire of Aries from the 3rd House of Communication. As the Sun continues through quicksilver Gemini for the next month, you can radiate more energy than a quasar. Today, however, as your key planet, Mars, quintiles stern Saturn, it would be wise to take serious action toward your goals. Don't miss your opportunity for forward movement.

Yes, "foward movement" will keep T.B. from crying! I must move forward, not sideways or downward.... I kinda like fainting though... it's dreamy and I wake up all snuggled up in her arms.

Mingus, the dreamy

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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