=" mingusandthebitch: I Did Not Poop In The Daffodils!


Friday, April 25, 2008

I Did Not Poop In The Daffodils!

I'm okay. I'm panting a lot in the night and it isn't because I'm dreaming of Kora or my humpy gorilla... some of it is pain, and some of it is a lack of oxygen, and some of it is who knows what???? I don't want to go for a chest x-ray. I want to feel young and chipper again, like I do when I play downward dog with T.B. in the morning. She's funny. I like nuzzling with her, but not as much as I liked nuzzling with my brother, Chase.

We had rib eye steaks tonight and lots of phone conversation for T.B.. She's in pay for Mingus mode of late; I'm not seeing as much of her. It's boring without her, and lonely. She's having breakfast with Uncle K. and Stupid Health Regulations won't let me have breakfast with them at Barney's. I think Barney is a jerk then!

I'm a prisonner!


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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