=" mingusandthebitch: Fork In The Path


Monday, April 28, 2008

Fork In The Path

Humans have the funniest sayings! There is no fork in the path, just a choice of going this way or that way and usually it is about getting to what is most important in the moment to you.... the idea of high consciousness vs low consciousness is just more vanity.... you go this way or you go that way and eventually your hips and your heart give out and you die. That's it.

In the meantime, there's grated smoked Mozzarella on sirloin with navy beans for my dinner! T.B. has some other version of it going on, but mine is DELICIOUS!!! As for the fork in the road, well, I'm not going to be around for long enough for it to matter which fork she chooses. The dinner fork or the dessert fork, or the fish fork, or the oyster fork.....

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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