=" mingusandthebitch: We Have a "Patrick Watson" Ghost!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We Have a "Patrick Watson" Ghost!

Okay, I know I'm ancient and some of the faculties I once enjoyed with well-identified borders, have frayed a little and things tend to blend and merge in a sleepy sort of way that stoners can appreciate, but the fact is, NO ONE HIT "PLAY" OR EVEN "ON" AND as we were reading the blog about listening to Patrick Watson with the splitter on the I-Pod, the I-Pod, which is sitting in it's dock cradle, just started playing Patrick Watson and the remote control isn't anywhere in sight! I'm going back to bed! The roads are not paved with gold (and this isn't Kansas!). I did look into the looking glass today but I could barely make myself out. I saw a black rabbit in Jericho Park but was held back from "chasing" it. I spent much of the day in the car in my bed waiting on The Bitch, who does something she claims is work so that she can pay all our bills. It involves her talking, lots, and driving, lots, and looking in other people's homes all the time. Maybe she's a burglar? If she is, she isn't very good at it!

Night, night,


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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